Happy New Year!

Hello. Welcome. And thank you.  Seems like a suiting way to start the official Om Obedience blog – a place where stories will be shared, dogs will shine, training tips will be provided and explained, products reviewed, as well as a list of upcoming local events.  Please be warned: This page may go to the dogs.

Happy New Year from our hOMe to yours! On the last day for the 2015 resolution, “to try something different every day” and we made Peanut Butter-Honey Nut Cheerio Balls from The Ultimate Dog Treat Cookbook by Liz Palika*.  Our pack thoroughly enjoyed them.   

When I think of 2016 resolutions, I think of how busy and caught up in the day to day tasks of our pack and family and really want to make sure that each dog feels gets some carved out alone time.  As I think of ideas, I’ll share and have a feeling that this site will be a sort of accountability.

When someone says that they are thinking of getting a dog, I always ask, how are you going to meet their needs? Exercise, training, health, nutrition, and socialization. Here’s the rundown of day-to-day care for our pack of 4.  They usually go out to our fenced-in backyard first thing and come in to eat breakfast.  This consists of kibble Bonafide Pet Food* and re-hydrated food from The Honest Kitchen*.  Once a week nails are ground, teeth are brushed (this should probably be done more often), ears are checked and the Cavaliers are combed.  Baths are monthly and the Cavaliers get a full groom every 6 weeks.  This coming year, I’d like to gain proficiency using clippers.

Exercise, exercise, exercise.  Weather permitting, we walk every day.  In the summer, if it’s going to be too hot, we walk at 6am.  In the winter we walk mid-day.  If it’s cold, we all wear jackets.  We just don’t do rain.  Each dog has their own exercise requirement and if it is not met then they will be wound up at night when we are trying to wind down.  Our walks* average 3 miles. They are a combination of exercise, training, and enjoying the scenery. It’s enough to guarantee a 3 hour nap for Lennox (7), Chopper (6), Trouble (5) and Maker (2).  Maker requires a good game of soccer that sometimes the others will join in on, usually lasting 15 minutes.  He is still crated* when we are out and always has access to a Dura Chew Nylabone in his crate.  The older three will get something to chew on a couple of nights a week.  They have access to a toy box filled with antlers, balls, and squeak toys.  The pack will always come on errands when given the opportunity, enjoy an afternoon play session (find it, board games, hide & seek, or tug), have dinner, and then sack out on their places on the couch.  We have at least a couple of play dates a week and they love going to daycare.  The saying goes, a tired dog is a good dog. 

And vet visits, we absolutely love the staff at Randolph Animal Hospital and visit them regularly for vaccinations, Heart Guard, Vectra, and sometimes just to say “hello”.  Lennox also sees Dr. Laste at Angell Memorial Medical Center for an annual cardiology visit. 

 In reflecting on this list, their basic needs are met and I am looking forward to strengthening our bond this coming year with some one-on-one time.

Here are a few New Year’s Resolution suggestions:

Work on solving behavioral issues: jumping, barking, reactivity and anxiety.

Continue training: teach your dog reliable basics, take your basics to an intermediate level, work towards your Canine Good Citizen certification, and become a therapy dog team.

Teach fun tricks: doggy yoga poses, play dead, close the door, salute, and to carry in the groceries.

Try Agility.  It’s not just for competition!

Make some new friends – go on a pack walk, visit a new park, join a hiking club, send your dog to play groups and daycare.

Always here to help. Namaste.



*Denotes a topic for another day

(book review, food review, why walk, crate training)
