Group Obedience Classes
All of our obedience group classes are 6 weeks in length and $250.
Puppy Preschool
This obedience course is designed for puppies 10 weeks of age through 5 months at the start date of the class. The first 2 rounds of vaccinations in the puppy series are required to attend. This is the best place to start with your puppy!
Focus: The basic cues of look, sit, down, stay, come when called, hand targeting, take it, leave it, drop it and walking politely on a leash. Potty training, crate training, nipping, and jumping are discussed.
This course meets the requirements for the AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Program! It is the American Kennel Club's exciting new program designed to get dog owners and their puppies off to a good, responsible start.
Puppy Enrichment Workshop
This workshop is designed for puppies 10 weeks to 6 months as an additional class to our Preschool Class to encourage confidence and exploration through novel object and texture introduction.
Focus: Your puppy will be allowed to explore a variety of objects including a puppy play gym, balance boards, tunnels, hula hoops, ball pits, swimming pools filled with the item of the week and so much more. There will be visual, auditory and gustatory sensory experiences to get them through the first developmental fear phase. 4 weeks for $200
Elementary Obedience
This obedience course is designed for dogs who are 5 months of age and up at the start date of the class. This is what we recommend our Preschool Graduates move onto and what any other aged dog that hasn’t received professional training or has been elsewhere should start.
Focus: The cues of sit, down, stay, come, take it, leave it, and drop it, with an emphasis on polite leash walking and dog to dog greetings on-leash. Adolescent chewing, barking, proper time outs, and dog park manners are discussed.
*This is the starting point for any newly adopted dog and the place to begin your professional training. Please note, we do not allow multiple dogs from the same household into the same Elementary Obedience Class. This also applies to bonded siblings. We want your training experience to be as successful as possible and to experience new opportunities for socialization.
*Please note for newly adopted dogs - we want your training to be as successful as possible, and you don’t know what you don’t know about your dog’s past history and behaviors. It’s for that reason that we’re completely here for you. Safety is our priority as is the well-being of everyone in class. We hate hearing the phrase “my dog flunked out of training or got kicked out of training” We have never kicked a dog out of taining. If your dog is not ready for an Elementary Obedience Class, we have Private Training and Reactive Rover Classes and reserve the right to change placement as deemed necessary.
Intermediate I
This obedience course is designed as a progression of Elementary to start teaching the more difficult cues and continue working on the basics with more distance, duration, and distractions. Elementary Obedience or Private lessons with instructor approval are prerequisites to this course. There are no exceptions and you can not sign up for this course even if you have trained elsewhere. We want our clients to have the most successful continued experiences training.
Focus: Introduces finish, stand, heel with directions, wait, behind, center, paws up, touch, and park it. Tricks such as “play dead” and “take a bow” are covered. Cue reliability and working with increasing distractions is discussed.
Intermediate II
This obedience course takes Intermediate I behaviors to the next level with more distance, duration, and distractions. Intermediate I is a prerequisite to this course.
Focus: Heeling with speeds on and off leash, waiting politely, and park it are brought to the next level. Backup and nose targeting are introduced and tricks such as “spin” and “wave” are covered.
Canine Good Citizen Prep - If transferring from another training facility, a private lesson with our CGC Evaluator and prior approval are required. This is the culmination of consistent training. This is an advanced obedience course and we are fine tuning previously learned skills in this course.
Focus: The ten behaviors on the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen test: accepting a friendly stranger, sit politely for petting, appearance and grooming, out for a walk, walking through a crowd, sit and down on command and staying in place, coming when called, reaction to another dog, reaction to distraction, and supervised separation. We will practice the test on multiple occasions throughout this course.
Canine Good Citizen Advanced Workshop
This course is a 4 week workshop designed to cover the behaviors necessary for the CGCA title from the American Kennel Club. Our efforts are to work on the necessary skills required for a therapy dog.
Focus: The ten behaviors from the Advanced Canine Good Citizen test. This course is strongly recommended for anyone who has an interest in becoming a therapy team.
Extracurricular Agility Workshop
Let’s have some fun! This specialty class is for existing clients, ideally whom have completed Intermediate I! It’s 4 weeks in length.
Focus: This course is designed to safely introduce your dog to agility obstacles while boosting their confidence and ability to work off leash. Something new and exciting every week! Our agility yard has tunnels, jumps, weave poles, chutes, a dog walk, “A” frame, various tires, balance board, pause box, and a seesaw. 4 weeks for $200.
Integrated Obedience
This course is designed for dogs of all ages and includes basic and intermediate behaviors to strengthen the relationship between human and dog and create a peaceful home. It finds itself into neighborhoods and is the course that we will teach when an extended family, group of friends, or neighborhood hires us to train their dogs together. Quite honestly, one of the best things that you can do for relationships all around! We no longer instruct it at our facilities because of the distinct breakdown in our leveled classes.
Focus: Your dog’s skill level will be assessed and each cue that they may already know will be brought to the next level. Be prepared to work on walking skills, attention span, working with distractions and calming behaviors.
In the past this course has included everything from puppies learning to lay down for the first time on cue to advanced dogs learning to lay down from 20’ away with a variety of obstacles between dog and handler. This course gets pulled out when friends or family want to get their dogs together to train and have a variety of different ages and skills. We make sure there is something for everyone. 6 weeks for $250
Reactive Rover
This course is designed for dogs of all ages who bark and lunge at the end of the leash and are unable to partake in other group classes and social settings. It is a must for anyone who feels that their dog is unmanageable at the end of the leash. The first class is a seminar without the dogs.
Focus: Emphasizing safety, communication, and teamwork, this multiple trainer course starts with trigger identification. It includes various management techniques, confidence building exercises, redirecting activities and learning how to read your dogs body language.
Please contact us with any questions or to be added to the wait list if the class is marked full. This class is beyond popular and private lessons are required to gain the skills and handler knowledge prior to working through this class. You can not enroll in this class without prior authorization. We want to make sure this is the proper fit for you and your dog.
Cost: $400
Refined Reactive Rover
This course is designed as the next step for our graduating Reactive Rovers who just might not be ready for regular group classes. It’s a small group dedicated to an hour of calming and settling skills around other dogs. This Winter Series will be held indoors as the weather deems necessary.
Focus: Emphasizing safety, communication, and teamwork, this two trainer course starts with creating a safe space and working to keep dogs focused and under threshold. We will include even more confidence building exercises, redirecting activities, and impulse control activities.
Cost: $375
OMVET Etiquette Workshop
This workshop is designed to ease the stress of vet and grooming appointments for your dogs by introducing them properly and safely to proper waiting room etiquette, common equipment and handling techniques. We will spend 4 weeks desensitizing, learning practical cues in a force free manner leading to confidence building.
Focus: body positioning and awareness in tight spaces, the stethoscope and scale, nail trims, and muzzle training are just part of this packed workshop.
Cost: $225 (While there are no prerequisites for this class, ideally we recommend having taken the first level of group classes or private lessons).